Bản thân bạn nên biết những gì trước khi giao dịch trên thị trường ngoại hối

Before moving to invest in FOREX or shares or anything at all, the following points should be considered carefully. There are no hard and fast rules, or even prescription governing them, whether individually or combined.

The state of your health suggests the state of your income. Good health helps ensures consistent cash flow whereas a failing health is indicative of the necessity for an ultra large reserve of emergency cash. The number of those depending on you determines if there’s any reserve for investment, where the reserve should be invested in (ví dụ. cổ phần) và nhiều thứ khác nữa.

Job type: Are you on a job with a steady income or one built on bonuses, incentives and options of any kind? For a job built on bonuses, an investment with more stability than stocks offer or FOREX trading is what you may have to go for. While for a steady income system, the longed-for extra edge may be delivered to you by stocks. Mặt khác, it also may not, because if you were on incentive pay systems, the prospect of being up one week and down the next may be quite comfortable with you since you’ve probably learned to live with it. Whereas, as one with steady income, having the price and values of your holdings vary may be more alarming than it’s worth.

Your goals: what are your goals about or bound up in? Are they bound up in your age, business, social status etc? Money will be required to achieve a good number of them. That being true, you may have to consider investment seriously. The pride of wealth and being rich or the attention that must be given investment may not just be worth it for someone who prefers to invest in tourism, books etc.

Your Kind of Personality: Evaluate yourself with respect to your goals and how they relate to investing. This is because your goals reflect you- your personality traits and characteristics, your temperament.

Try to determine the characteristics and trait from which your goals come. What’s your idea about money? About saving, investing and spending it. Are you realistic? Are your goals? Do you always try to keep up with the budget or are you atop it? Etc.

Bạn sẽ phải chuẩn bị cho những rủi ro và biến động trong dòng tiền của mình vì FOREX có tính đầu cơ cao mặc dù lỗ của bạn có thể được giảm bớt bằng cách sử dụng phần mềm FOREX tốt và nhận các mẹo FOREX tốt từ các nhà môi giới FOREX có kinh nghiệm.

Mục nhập này đã được đăng trong Forex cơ bản và được gắn thẻ , , , . Đánh dấu trang permalink.

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