MT4 Trade CopierForex Copy Trading Software

MT4 Trade Copier - Forex Copy Trading SoftwareLocal Trade Copier is a special software for MetaTrader 4 platform which helps retail Forex traders and account managers duplicate trading positions between multiple accounts so they won’t need to repeat the same trade operations on each MT4 platform individually.

This means now you can trade on multiple MetaTrader 4 accounts simultaneously, mirror the trades of any trading bot to your friends and family accounts (even if it is locked to your MT4 account number), create investment portfolios of many MT4 accounts, remove risk of unregulated Forex brokers, turn losing trading strategy into a winner and become an independent account manager immediately without the need to sign any contracts or opening expensive PAMM accounts with the broker.

"I tried to find some good MetaTrader signal copy program for a long time. Finally I’ve found Local Trade Copier and I can recommend this amazing software to anyone. There is no delay when copying trades and installation is pretty easy. I’m completely satisfied with this product."

"The LTC is one of the best copiers available on the market. It is very stable (in all time that I have been using the EA I have not had any problem with it), easy to install and has very fast trade execution. Definitely I will recommend this product to anyone who is looking for this type of software." Aqra iktar…

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