MT4 Synchronize Multiple Charts Indicator Download

MT4 Synchronise Multiple Charts Indicator can synchronise timeframes, zoom(scale), type(režim) and auto-scroll of the charts that have the indicator on them.
SyncChartType: If set to ‘true’, chart type (“bar”, “candle” nebo “čára”) on all charts with this indicator will change depending on the type of the focused chart.
SyncChartZoom: If set to ‘true’, if you zoom in/out on the focused chart, other charts with this indicator will zoom in/out as well.
SyncChartMove: If set to ‘true’, “AutoScrolloption will be synced and other charts with this indicator will move (left/right) when you move the chart with focus.
Download MT4 Synchronise Multiple Charts Indicator

MT4 Synchronise Multiple Charts Indicator
MT4 Synchronise Multiple Charts Indicator

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