MT4 drijvende indicatorindicator downloaden

MT4 Floating Indicator Indicator can plot some indicators on the Metatrader 4 main chart. opties: Tijdsspanne, Unique ID, Anchor to:, Indicator type(Use ADXm, Use average, Use Bollinger bands, Gebruik CCI, Use Demarker, Use MACD, Use momentum, Gebruik RSI, Use Stochastic, Use TDI, Use WPR), Average type(for MA and TDI)(Eenvoudig voortschrijdend gemiddelde, Exponentieel voortschrijdend gemiddelde, Afgevlakte MA, Lineair gewogen MA), Indicator period, Indicator period 2(if used), Indicator period 3 (if used), Indicator price(Close price, Open price, High price, Low price, Median price, Typical price, Weighted price), Deviations (if used), indicator position, fixed levels, use anchor point etc.
Download MT4 Floating Indicator Indicator

MT4 Floating Indicator Indicator
MT4 Floating Indicator Indicator

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