Kicker Candlesticks Pattern Indicator Download

Kicker Candlesticks Pattern Indicator is a bullish and bearish kicker candlesticks pattern MT4 indicator.
Bullish kicker candlestick chart pattern: 1st candlestick is the continuation of the downtrend therefore bearish in nature and it has no significance by its own formed in a downtrend. 2nd candlestick: a bullish candlestick is formed, which opens at the same open of the previous day (or a gap open, and then heads in the opposite direction of the 1st candle. The open price of the 2nd candlestick is same as the open price of 1st candlestick. However a gap open further strengthen the pattern. There will be no wick or very small wick.
The Bearish Kicker Candlestick Chart pattern: 1st candlestick is the continuation of the uptrend therefore bullish in nature and it has no significance by its own formed in a uptrend. 2nd candlestick: a bearish candlestick is formed, which opens at the same open of the previous day (or a gap down), and then heads in the opposite direction of the 1st candle. The open price of the 2nd candlestick is same as the open price of 1st candlestick. However a gap do down further strengthen the pattern. There will be no wick or very small wick.
Download Kicker Candlesticks Pattern Indicator:

Kicker Candlesticks Pattern Indicator
Kicker Candlesticks Pattern Indicator

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