TradeMiner – Pindai Siklus dan Tren Pasar.*

TradeMiner - Pindai Siklus dan Tren Pasar.*"Stocks tend to have relatively high (atau rendah) returns every year in the same calendar month. The pattern is independent of size, industry, earnings announcements, dividends, and fiscal year. The results are consistent with the existence of a persistent seasonal effect in stock returns."

[Evidence of predictable behavior of security returns. Journal of Finance 45: 881-898, 1990]

An easy-to-use software platform that allows you to scan through millions of pieces of market data seamlessly. Identifying historical trends that match your search criteria, helping you to find the best picks for 2016.

Selecting "Dig Now" will scan through the Historical Database and identify the trends and cycles that meet your criteria.

TradeMiner will rank the results according to a proprietary ranking system. This system ranks higher the picks with the greatest gains in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of historical risk.

Our ranking works on a scale from zero to five, and includes an easy-to-read, color coded key; red proceed with extreme caution, yellow to proceed with caution, and green for go for it!*

The variety of charts in TradeMiner allows you to see the results of the previous years, identify risk vs. reward and see detailed trade logs of past years’ tren.

In TradeMiner you can select any of the following charts and they will show up in the lower larger Chart Window. This larger view provides and additional details for any chosen trade.

With all the many options of things to trade, TradeMiner can help to narrow your list down to a few trades that have long historical seasonal trends.

With TradeMiner, it’s not enough that we just know what markets have done in the past, we want to know the likelihood of them repeating again this year.

We use a neural network pattern recognition model to learn the patterns of winning and losing trends, based on their own individual historical trend patterns.

The neural network identifies if the upcoming trend looks like a winning trend or a losing trend based on each markets historical comparison. We then report if this years trend patterns correspond favorably, or unfavorably with the winning historical model: Tinggi, Medium, Rendah, or Very Low.

Get email alerts to notify you when your chosen seasonal trades are getting ready to start (same day or days in advance). Alerts make it convenient and give you timely, actionableBaca lebih lajut…

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