Simple Forex TesterThe BEST MT4 Based Testing Platform

Simple Forex Tester - The BEST MT4 Based Testing PlatformNo matter what skill level you possess, Simple Forex Tester will allow you to leverage the most powerful Forex trading platform in the world to practice your systems and your trading…without risking a single dime!

Simple Forex Tester unlocks a HUGE feature in MetaTrader 4 which allows you to “rewind” the markets and practice your trading and systems! Simulate your manual trading at any point in history on any currency pair you wish, and practice your trading without risking anything!

Simple Forex Tester comes with a full and complete set of educational videos, recorded by the software creator. These videos will guide you through every aspect of Simple Forex Tester, step by step to ensure you can get the absolute most out of your testing efforts.

Ever since I began using Simple Forex Tester a few years ago, I’ve noticed a huge difference in my trading and my ability to “pull the trigger”. I don’t know how I planned on becoming a successful trader without it.

A brilliant way to test and practice your trading ideas. I’ve learned more using Simple Forex Tester for just a few weeks than I have in the 1 year that I’ve been trading!

Absolutely my favorite tool in my trading toolbox. You can’t put a price on raising your confidence as a trader, and trading during any market condition as if it were live

…I’d say it’s easily been the best money I’ve spent during my trading career. There’s no reason to try and take on the markets without practicing first, and this gives me MONTHS of practice condensed down into just a few hours a day…

EE.UU. Exención de responsabilidade obrigada polo goberno – O comercio de divisas na marxe supón un alto nivel de risco e pode non ser adecuado para todos os investimentos. O alto grao de alavancagem pode funcionar contra ti e tamén para ti. Antes de decidirse a investir en divisas, debes considerar coidadosamente os teus obxectivos de investimento, nivel de experiencia, e apetito de risco. Existe a posibilidade de que poida sufrir unha perda dunha parte ou da totalidade do seu investimento inicial e, polo tanto, non debe investir diñeiro que non pode permitirse o luxo de perder. Debes ter en conta todos os riscos asociados ao comercio de divisas, e busca o consello dun asesor financeiro independente se tes algunha dúbida.

A compra, saleLe máis…

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