ايم وي ڊي واپار – – حقيقي واپار – حقيقي پئسا – حقيقي تعليم – ايم وي ڊي واپار – – حقيقي واپار – حقيقي پئسا – حقيقي تعليم

MVDtrading - - Real Trading - Real Money - Real Education - ايم وي ڊي واپار - - حقيقي واپار - حقيقي پئسا - حقيقي تعليماسان ٺاھيو آھي لائيو ٽريڊنگ روم سروس جنھن ۾ توھان سيکاريندا ته ڪيئن لاڳو ڪجي ۽ صحيح طريقي سان واپار ڪجي VSA نمونن - حجم اسپريڊ اينالائسز مارڪيٽ ۽ حجم پروفائل سان ميلاپ ۾, فوٽ پرنٽ پڙهڻ ۽ واپار ۽ سگنلن جي سمارٽ فلٽرنگ جيڪي اسان جي معروف سافٽ ويئر پاران ڏيکاريا ويا آهن (ملڪيت جو اشارو).

اسان هي سڀ شيون گڏ ڪيون آهن ۽ هڪ کان وڌيڪ وقت جي فريم هڪ اعلي تجارتي طريقي جي لاء. اهو توهان کي اجازت ڏيندو ته نه صرف پنهنجو پاڻ کي مسلسل ترقي ڪري سگهي ٿو هڪ واپار جي حيثيت سان جيڪو ڪنهن کان سکندو آهي جنهن کان وڌيڪ آهي 7 واپاري تجربو جا سال پر هڪ واپاري جي حيثيت سان تمام صوابديدي سوچ ۽ نفسياتي ترقي پڻ سکڻ (جنهن ۾ هو گهڻو زور ڏئي ٿو).

As Esteban always says ‘’the most important thing in trading is to learn and feel how to filter the bad trades and the rest will come up easy’’.

Our Live Trade Room is for Live-Trading and educational purposes only, you will realize transparency is one of the elements we do a lot of emphasis. Our Moderator is trading his own Live account, with his own risk parameters that may differ from your own.

"…The market always tells you what to do. It tells you: Get in, Get out. Move your stop. Close out. Stay neutral. Wait for a better chance. All these things the market is continually impressing upon you, and you must get into the frame of mind where you are in reality taking your orders from the action of the market itself – from the tape."

Our results are posted 100% in detail, including all losses, Entry, Stop and targetsReal-Time update on management too.

We provide education on various trading topics daily, including trades management, stops placements and potential targets

A true community of talented traders, with a strict approach to learning and make profits, dayi in , day out

You can expect 5-10 trades in the room per day, More activitivy means more practie. (our Trading room normal hours are Mon-Fri 8AM-12PM EST)

We’ve found most of the best profitable signals come up at the beginning of the New York Session Market, and that’s why out Trading Room is based around that times.

from Montevideo, Uruguay lives for his passion – day trading. Esteban has been a full-time trader since 2012. He graduated as a Cuisine Chef. He loved good food, but hated his job. ۾ 2012, he started trading Futures, CFD’sوڌيڪ پڙهو…

اهو انٽرويو پوسٽ ڪيو ويو هو ادا ڪيل نشانيون & سافٽ ويئر سروس. بوڪ مارڪ دي اجازت نامو.

جواب ڇڏي وڃو

توهان جو اي ميل پتو شايع نه ڪيو ويندو. گهربل فيلڊ نشان لڳل آهن *

هتي ڪيپچا داخل ڪريو : *

تصوير ٻيهر لوڊ ڪريو

حل ڪريو : *
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