Mapangidwe A Candlestick a Forex

Ngati mukufunadi kuchita malonda pamsika wa Forex, ndiye kuti mudzawononga nthawi yanu yambiri mukutsanulira zambiri, zambiri sizingamveke bwino. Komabe pakapita nthawi mutha kuyamba kuwona mawonekedwe osiyanasiyana. Choikapo nyali ngati njira yoyezera anapangira zinthu ku Japan 500 zaka zapitazo, ndipo chowonadi chomwe chikugwirabe ntchito lero ndi umboni ku kudalirika kwake. Pali mitundu yosiyanasiyana yamakandulo azithunzi za forex zomwe mungagwiritse ntchito ndipo m'nkhaniyi ndikuwonetsa zingapo. Ndikoyenera kuyang'ana mu mitundu iliyonse yosiyana ndi kandulo ngati mukufuna kutenga malonda aku Forex mosamala, izi zili choncho, zida zambiri zomwe muli nazo, bwino mudzatha kuwerenga malonda.
Spinning Pamtunda ndi mawonekedwe omwe muyenera kukhala osayang'anirapo. Izi zimapangidwa ndi mtengo wotseguka komanso wotseka pang'ono, komabe mitengo yotsika kwambiri komanso yotsika kwambiri panthawi imeneyi imapitilira mbali zonse ziwiri. Ngati choyatsira nyali cha 'Spinning Top' chikaonekera mukakonzeka ndiye kuti mudzafuna kugula posachedwa, ngati zingachitike panthawi yovuta, mungafune kugulitsa.

If the opening price for the market is equal to the low price and the close price is equal to the high price then it could indicate that the buyers have been control of the trading session. If it is the opposite then it will indicate sellers have controlled the session. This type of forex candlestick pattern is known as a white marubozu.
The final type of candlestick pattern is known as a ‘Doji’, this is when the opening and close price of the market remains the same. In this situation you will need to pay attention to the candlestick patterns that preceded it. If you notice a doji then you are in luck, this will provide a fantastic opportunity to buy or sell as long as you are able to spot what the previous patterns are, for example it could be an indication that buyers are weakening, therefore for example, if the sellers are weakening it is a perfect time to buy.
These are just the basic candlestick patterns and they should give you a sound start in spotting patterns in order to make your ideal forex trade, komabe, it is worth looking into the more complex forex candlestick patterns as you become more familiar with these, as these often provide the best indicator for whether you should buy or sell at the current price.

Monga mukuwonera, pali zida zambiri zomwe zingapangitse kuti malonda anu achi Forex akhale opindulitsa kwambiri. Ndizoyenera kukhala ndi njira zamakandulo a forex ngati chida m'bokosi lanu, izi zili choncho, zida zambiri zomwe muli nazo, bwino ntchito yomwe muti muchite. Izi zachidziwikire zimabweretsa phindu lochulukirapo.

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