
T-NhauTimerT-NewsTimer ndeye Utility mhando MetaTrader 4 chiratidzo. Yakagadzirirwa vatengesi veForex T-NewsTimer ine chinangwa chekubvisa kusakosha kwekushandisa hupfumi nhau makarenda.

Ichi chiratidzo chiri nyore timer mukona yeMetaTrader yako 4 chati inotarisa mari mbiri yauri kuona uye inoratidza nguva yasara kusvika chiziviso chezvehupfumi chinotevera chine chekuita necurrency pair.. Ichi chiratidzo chichaita shuwa kuti hauzombopotsa chiziviso chehupfumi zvakare. T-NewsTimer inogoneka kwazvo zvese zvinoonekwa uye zvinoshanda. Uye chimwe chezvakakosha maficha aunogona kubatidza ndeye "Alert isati yaziviswa" chimiro chinokuzivisa iwe. (neodhiyo uye inooneka popup) maminetsi ega ega X chiziviso chisati chabuda. Nenzira iyi une nguva yekuita chimwe chinhu chisingatarisirwi chisati chaitika. T-NewsTimer ese ari maviri akanyanya minimalistic uye ane ruzivo kwazvo. Chinangwa chekugadzira kwakadaro kwaive kudzivirira kusvibisa chati yako asi kupa ruzivo rwese nekungotarisa.

At idle state the indicator is nothing more than a color-coded timer ticking down, but once you need more information on what is about to happen in the news you can simply hover over the timer and you will get an informative popup appear that has all you need. See the “How it looks section” to get a better understanding of what the T-NewsTimer really is. It does not matter what kind of a trader you are of what kind of a trading plan you have – the point is that every trader must be aware of what is happening in the news at all times to reduce the risks as much as possible. Tracking economic calendars requires a lot of discipline and is wasteful of your time and effort. With T-NewsTimer you will never have to open another economic calendar again. It will save you time, it will help you stay aware, it will eliminate one more component from your trading that you need to worry about. Get T-NewsTimer now and never regret!

A single mistake in the market can cost you more than T-NewsTimer will. Get the Windows installer now and never miss an economic announcement again.

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