Maitiro Ekutengesa Nhau Mune Forex?

Kunyangwe iwe uri kungo dabbling mu Forex kana kuita yakazara-yakaputirwa Forex yekutengesa, zvakakosha kuti iwe ugare uri pamusoro peiyo Forex nhau. Saizvozvo, some day traders say that following news around the world can be somewhat addicting. With globalization in the news nearly every day, it seems there is always something of interest going on.

Financial News

Here are a few interesting examples of recent Forex news stories that FX day traders found interesting. Forex currencies are always traded in pairs, so stories refer to two different currencies. These Forex news stories directly relate to currency and finance.

-A recent story reported that retail traders had just tipped to a net short positioning on the same day that the British pound gained a 200 point plus rally.

-Forex traders watch the U.S. housing slump very carefully, gauging the market for mortgage futures.

-When the U.S. Fed made its recent rate cut, one Forex news service reported that expectations for the U.S. Dollar werefalling like a rock.

-Recession fears in the United States may drive the dollar even lower than it already is. (In Forex trading, the fact that the dollar drops is not considered negative, as long as the trader leverages the drop when trading for higher priced, more valuable currencies around the glove.

Political News

Currency and financial news are not the only news stories of interest to Forex investors and traders. Forex traders are also interested in political news that can have an impact on a country’s currency.

-Tragic events like the assassination of a political leader can affect currency futures in the country where the event occurs and can have a ripple effect in surrounding areas; semuyenzaniso, the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan.

-Natural disasters like an earthquake, hurricane, or typhoon can consume a great deal of a country’s resources; therefore, Forex traders watch news of such disasters.

-Political events, like the U.S. presidential election cycle, has significant effects on currency valuation; therefore, Forex news contains updates on presidential candidates, primary elections, and general elections.

News Analysis

Forex news services add value to the news stories they provide by analyzing current events and predicting how they will affect the exchange rates of various currencies around the globe.

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